Friday, 28 March 2008

I wonder...I just wonder.

Sometimes, I wonder
Spend a lot of time
just trying to understand.
Asking myself questions, like
Why exactly is God saying?
Is that my voice I'm hearing talking back to me?
Or is that really the voice of the Father?
I'm I going crazy or I'm I going Spiritzy?
Especially when my thoughts
or should i say aspirations
do not fit that of those around me.

A lot of times, I ponder
on the whole of life and its meaninglessness
and I have to conclude, like some have that
there's got to be something more out there
somewhere beyond - 'plus ultra'
like that old songs says
"somewhere in outer space
although we don't know where..."
there's more, this is just a tip of the iceberg
and we should never forget
or allow our focus to be shifted from
the author and finisher of our faith
our hope of the tomorrow we try so hard
to make provision for in our own little minds
limited by time.

You know, I wonder why
It is so difficult for us to trust Him
who is not bound by time
but holds time in His hands
Why, can't we just step out on water
when he calls us or sleep soundly
when he says tomorrow is sorted
even if the coffer is empty
when He says He will fill the trenches
even if there isn't the tiniest of winds.

I've wondered so long
but it remains a mystery to me
the reason for our unbelief
or slave mentality, when
we have been set free.
I think I'll stop here, because I
have no answers but I pray...
yes I pray, that the puzzle...
and we begin to walk free, as we truly are
making the blood that was shed
on our behalf, count.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

The Road, the Map and the Guide

You can have a road map and still get lost, if it's misinterpreted.

It is most unlikely though, to miss your way with a guide, very familiar with the terrain.

The word of God is very good (its the map) but the most important thing is having

God (the guide) to lead you through his Spirit, on your road (life) to heaven (your destination)

or so i hope. If it's not, then get on track cos i want to see you when we get there.

To my King

My source, my essence

The one that first loved me

I was created for your pleasure

and i live to give you glory.

Monday, 10 March 2008

To my prince

My head, my covering

The one that i love

My heart doth delight in giving you pleasure

I will do you good all the days of my life.


Let there be no confusion about what i want

and about what is right with God

cos where the two coincide is where i ought to be (or go).

I see

I see there's more beyond - "Plus ultra"

The limits have been taken off my vision

There is a breaking out cos my mind has been set free

from the bonds of "this is how far you can go"

I can go as far as and beyond my imagination

cos even my imagination is limited